In addition to concert revenue, we rely on an annual grant from Chamber Music Scotland to help pay our costs. We have been very fortunate to receive this funding for many years and we appreciate it enormously; without it we could not continue. But recently we have needed to dip a little into our reserves. This year, with rising costs and a lower grant, we will be more than ever grateful for donations from music lovers keen to help us keep chamber music a vibrant part of life in Haddington.
Donations can be made when buying tickets, or
• by cheque made out to Haddington Concert Society and sent to our treasurer Alasdair Lyon Dean, Lempockwells House, Pencaitland EH34 5EW, or
• directly into our bank account (be sure to identify yourself when making the transfer):
Haddington Concert Society
Bank of Scotland · Sort Code 80 08 23 · Account 00441557
It is also possible to sponsor a concert.
In addition to concert revenue, we rely on an annual grant from Chamber Music Scotland to help pay our costs. We have been very fortunate to receive this funding for many years and we appreciate it enormously; without it we could not continue. But recently we have needed to dip a little into our reserves. This year, with rising costs and a lower grant, we will be more than ever grateful for donations from music lovers keen to help us keep chamber music a vibrant part of life in Haddington.
Donations can be made when buying tickets, or
• by cheque made out to Haddington Concert Society and sent to our treasurer Alasdair Lyon Dean, Lempockwells House, Pencaitland EH34 5EW, or
• directly into our bank account (be sure to identify yourself when making the transfer):
Haddington Concert Society
Bank of Scotland · Sort Code 80 08 23 · Account 00441557
It is also possible to sponsor a concert.